Every email which i had saved in my inbox and sent were  dissapered
Hello Winxp sp2 I have over 100 list in my msn contact list. I suddenly was opening my msn last week and every contacts were disappeared , today I only have 2 contacts and I need my old contacts. I did not erase any of my contacts, and in addtion I did neither forgot my msn online at any other place. I tried to log on with another pc and every contact appeared for seconds before dissaperaing again, and this was the last time I saw my contacts. I have other problem with my email.Every email which i had saved in my inbox and sent were also dissapered and I don't know how to get those emails back. I hope really you can help me with this problem because it is impossible for me to remember everyone's email to add them again. Also it is very important for me to get my emails back both in inbox and sent. Regards Joseph Jaghlasian1 person needs an answerI do too
May 1st, 2010 10:23am

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